KINTO Tech Blog

Osaka Tech Lab Introduction

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I am Okita from the Mobile App Development Group.

I'm involved in developing a smartphone app for a specific service project.

Although I'm working with the Tokyo team members,
I'm primarily based at the Osaka Tech Lab.

So, let me introduce you to the Osaka Tech Lab!

History of Osaka Tech Lab

Born in April 2022.

The Osaka Tech Lab was established with the aim of strengthening our capabilities as an IT engineering company
and broadening our reach, including recruiting talented engineers.

Believe it or not...I started it by myself!
I had the whole floor to myself at the start. Our company consists of four locations:

  • Nagoya Office
  • Muromachi Office
  • Jinbocho Office
  • Osaka Tech Lab

"Why is only the Osaka location called Osaka Tech Lab?" I’m often asked this question.

The reason is that 'Osaka Tech Lab' was perceived as sounding more stylish than 'Osaka Branch' or 'Osaka Office,' and it was thought to appeal to a wider audience.

In July 2022.
Our first Osaka recruitment brought in four people.

And from there, we've steadily grown.
As of May 2023, we've expanded to 16 members!

Where is the Osaka Tech Lab?

The closest station is Shinsaibashi Station!

Osaka Tech Lab
Just a 1-minute walk from Exit 3 of Shinsaibashi Station on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line and Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line.
*Non-smoking facility (Indoor smoking area available).

What's the Atmosphere Like at the Osaka Tech Lab?

Let me give you a glimpse with some photos.




On the top shelf, you'll find a collection of miniature cars featuring the KINTO logo.


There are also cactuses.


Free Space

The area offers both sofa and table seating.
We use this space to enjoy meals, take a quick break, or use it as a corner to focus on our tasks.


Snack Area

This space brings together team members working on different tasks

, designed to encourage casual conversations during a quick break.

It’s been a big hit!



Our discussions led to the purchase of this clock, which we all selected together.
It went something like this.

“It’s nice to check the time at a glance, isn’t it?”

"Oh, I was thinking the same!"

"Let’s ask if we can get one installed."

"I like something stylish."

"Let’s make sure it’s earthquake-proof!'"

This is the kind of casual conversation we have, whether in person or on Slack.


We Also Have Seasonal Decorations

During the Christmas season, we even set up a Christmas tree.


What Kind of Team Members Work at Osaka Tech Lab?

There are a total of 16 team members,
representing various groups from the following departments:

  • Project Promotion Group
  • Owned Media & Incubation Development Group
  • Platform Group
  • Common Service Development Group
  • Analysis Group
  • Corporate IT Group
  • Human Resources Group
  • Mobile App Development Group

There are veterans who provide steady guidance, sometimes leading, sometimes mentoring others, as well as
juniors who actively contribute a variety of fresh ideas.

The balance of age groups feels just right.

What Makes Osaka Tech Lab So Special

Arguably the people and the unknown future.

The people

It's what makes it a comfortable place to be.
You can say it has a warm, at-home atmosphere.

Even visitors on business trips often compliment us like,
Even visitors on business trips often compliment us, saying, "This is my first time here, but Osaka Tech Lab has such a great atmosphere!"

I've thought about why it feels so comfortable here,

and I believe it's because we have team members that respects each other, even with different roles.

Everyone has their own opinions,
but they’re also open to listening to others and engaging in discussions to improve things.

It might seem like a given, but isn’t it actually quite rare?
I think this is the strength of Osaka Tech Lab!

The unknown future

It’s not every day that you get the chance to help set up an office! I decided to join the company because I wanted to have such an experience.

Whenever I raise my hand and say, "I want to try this," the response is always "Go ahead, it’s all yours!"

Of course, it is not a free-for-all,
but as long as I set clear goals and outline the steps, I'm encouraged to take on new challenges.

Here's one example:

We are organizing information-sharing meetings at The Osaka Tech Lab

with the following objectives:

  • To enhance communication among Osaka Tech Lab members
  • To understand what our colleagues are working on and strengthen cross-functional connections
  • To share team and individual experiences and inspire new initiatives

Here's what we're doing:

  • A group introduction
  • An LT (Lightning Talk)
  • A discussion to make Osaka Tech Lab better

In January 2023,
as the members had grown closer,
we hosted the third session, inviting managers from various groups who are usually based at other locations.

Talk, talk and talk more:
Osaka Tech Lab's first step in shaping the future

We listened to the managers’ expectations for Osaka Tech Lab,
and each team member shared their thoughts.

Looking back, I think this was a significant first step.

At first, these sessions started with just 10 members.
But as people invited others, it expanded to include other locations.

Now, the number of participants from other locations exceeds the members of Osaka Tech Lab itself.

While we occasionally meet members from other locations during business trips,
these information-sharing sessions have also created connections with members we normally wouldn't interact with.

Osaka Tech Lab's Ambition

Each of us is currently working on Tokyo-based projects,
spending our days in a fast-paced, stimulating environment.

One day... Someday...
We hope to launch, develop, and operate a service entirely from Osaka Tech Lab.

It seems many of us secretly share this dream.
I'm excited for the unseen future that lies ahead!


So, what do you think?

Why not join us in building the Osaka Tech Lab together toward an exciting, unknown future?

We look forward to your application!

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