JSConf JP 2024 Participation Report

Hello! JSConf JP 2024 recently took place, and we were proud to support it as a premium sponsor! In this post, we’d like to share a session report from our team members who attended the event firsthand!
You Don’t Know Figma Yet - Hacking Figma with JS
Since Figma runs in a browser, I learned that you can use JavaScript in DevTools to manipulate it. You can use Figma’s official API via the figma
global object to retrieve CSS information from elements or create new layers. Leveraging Figma’s browser-based nature unlocks its full potential, and I was truly amazed by the limitless possibilities it offers. Please refer to the official Figma documentation below for information on what can be done through global objects.
All happy projects are alike; each unhappy project is unhappy in its own way
Mizchi-san shared insights on common issue patterns based on their experience in performance tuning consulting His remark that adopting an easy anti-pattern can lead to an explosion later, reminded me of my own past experiences. Even though it's marked as deprecated in the documentation, using a hack from StackOverflow to fix an immediate issue might lead to even bigger problems later. This session reinforced the importance of seeking fundamental solutions instead of relying on makeshift fixes.
This session reinforced the importance of seeking fundamental solutions instead of relying on makeshift fixes. might lead to even bigger problems later.
Solving a Coding Test with Generative AI (by HireRoo)
Hosted by HireRoo, a provider of coding test services, this workshop was a true coding exam. It was a workshop where we tried to solve this real coding test with generative AI, which is something we don't usually have the opportunity to try.
(I thought it was a session, but when I went to watch, it seems that a PC was required... I'm sorry, but I solved it on HireRoo's PC. Sorry...) I tried solving it using ChatGPT, but simply pasting the problem text as-is didn’t produce the expected code. It turns out some ingenuity is required after all. Things don’t always go as smoothly as you’d hope. By the way, it seems that using generative AI during actual coding tests can provide quite a bit of insight.
LT (Lightning Talk): The Ecosystem behind JavaScript (Comedy)
In this session, the speaker shared an amusing story where their mother had forgotten the names of certain package managers and bundlers. Based on the characteristics she described, they speculated on what she might have been referring to. The talk featured several hilarious “power words,” such as "the package manager my Okan (mom) is curious about,” which made it incredibly engaging. Personally, one part that stuck with me was when they declared, "If the configuration file is easy to understand, it’s definitely not webpack," during the discussion about bundlers.
LT (Lightning Talk): JavaScript Module Resolution Interoperability
In this session, the topic was about resolving JavaScript modules. Recently, I encountered CJS/ESM issues while implementing UT for components that included Swiper, and it made me realize my lack of knowledge in module resolution. It gave me a sense of urgency to improve in this area. Additionally, the migration from Jest to Vitest had also been a minor topic within the team, so I felt it was necessary to fully understand this subject. By the way, the topic was very challenging for me, and I could barely keep up. I hope to become someone who can nod along and fully grasp these discussions someday soon. 🥲
LT (Lightning Talk): The Experience of In-House Production of a Car Subscription Service with Next.js and One Year Later
This was our company’s session. Since the in-house production project was completed long before I joined the company, I attended the session to learn about its history. The technology stack introduced during the session was almost the same as the one I am currently working on, so I felt the challenges and future prospects were highly relevant to me.
LT (Lightning Talk): romajip: A Story about Creating an English Address Conversion Library Using Japanese Address CSV Data
In this session, the speaker talked about creating a library called romajip. Personally, I was surprised to learn that not only the post office but also the Digital Agency provides a Japanese address master. Additionally, I felt that handling issues like place names with the same name (e.g., Nihonbashi in Tokyo and Osaka) seemed quite challenging. If I ever have the opportunity to create a library myself, I’d like to document the challenges I encounter and the areas I pay particular attention to!
Introduction of Prerender Technology at LINE Yahoo Japan and Its Effects
In this session, the speaker discussed the verification process for introducing Prerender technology at LINE Yahoo Japan. Prerender is a technology that pre-loads the destination page when you hover over a link! The result is significantly faster page loading times and a greatly improved user experience. After conducting various tests, LINE Yahoo Japan ultimately decided not to adopt the technology due to issues like link congestion. However, depending on how it’s used, Prerender seems to have the potential to greatly enhance loading speeds. I’m interested in studying it further myself!
We visited the booths of the sponsor companies and received various novelties! Personally, I was happy with Mercari's "SOLD OUT” keychain! Official T-shirts and Tote bags
Sponsor novelties
We Are Hiring!
KINTO Technologies is looking for new teammates to join us! We’re happy to start with a casual chat, so feel free to reach out. If you’re even a little curious, please apply using the link below!
How was it? I hope we’ll be able to participate in next year's JSConf JP in person! Thank you for reading all the way through!
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配属グループについて▶新サービス開発部 プロジェクト推進グループ 中古車サブスク開発チームTOYOTAのクルマのサブスクリプションサービスである『 KINTO ONE 中古車 』のWebサイトの開発、運用を中心に、その他サービスの開発、運用も行っています。
新車サブスク開発グループについてTOYOTAのクルマのサブスクリプションサービスである『 KINTO ONE 』のWebサイトの開発、運用をしています。業務内容トヨタグループの金融、モビリティサービスの内製開発組織である同社にて、自社サービスである、クルマのサブスクリプションサービス『KINTO ONE』のWebサイトコンテンツの開発・運用業務を担っていただきます。