KINTO Tech Blog

Parental Leave at KTC

Cover Image for Parental Leave at KTC

Hi, my name is Tim, and I am from the Global Product Development Group at KINTO Technologies (KTC). Previously, I have written about developing our company's Design System and how it has informed design decisions at KTC.

I am also a father of two: a 2-year old daughter and a son who was born in August 2023. Today I would like to talk about my experience balancing fatherhood and professional life. This article marks the fourth installment of a five-part series in our Advent Calendar, exploring diversity and different work-styles in KTC.

Fatherhood in Japan

When I became a dad for the first time I was already living and working in Japan, albeit for a different company. Taking advantage of one of the longest paternity leave programs in the world I proceeded to take 6 months of paternity leave. While the time spent on bonding with my new child was priceless and I was very lucky for a privilege most countries don't have, I felt that I could have been able to return to work sooner to contribute to relevant projects and to regain a sense of professional identity.

When my wife became pregnant with our second child, I was a full-time employee at KTC but I felt torn about whether to take yet another paternity leave. After all, despite generous policies, workplace culture often discourages taking leave. It made me worry about how it would look to take leave, especially as a relatively new employee.

Paternity Leave, or Not

Amidst these concerns, I learned about the diverse workplace culture at KTC and its flexible work hours policy, both of which alleviated my worries. In response to COVID-19, the company had implemented a temporary policy that encouraged employees to work from home in the morning and then come to the office in the afternoon, providing a practical way to balance work and family responsibilities.

This was a game-changer not only to myself, but also to my family. I was able to spend time changing diapers, rocking my crying baby to sleep, and supporting my recuperating wife - all while maintaining a manageable workload in my professional life. Then it crossed my mind that forgoing paternity leave is somehow conceivable, and after lengthy discussions with my wife we have made the conscious decision not to take paternity leave, and instead, leverage the company's flexibility and support to continue with my personal and professional growth.

How has the decision affected my work-life balance

As I gradually acclimated to the work environment after my son was born, I began to witness firsthand the genuine support from my colleagues, line manangers and human resource department to prioritize family alongside career aspirations. The open dialogue and encouragement from them who had navigated similar experiences instilled a sense of confidence in me to embrace the company's philosophy of work-life integration.

childbirth gift
My newborn son with congratulatory gift from my colleagues


Looking back, I realize that KTC's culture made it possible for me to be a dad without feeling like I had to choose between work and family. It's been a journey, but I'm grateful for the support and understanding I found at my workplace.

To those who are considering starting a family, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take that step, knowing that our work culture is incredibly supportive of employees with family commitments. As someone who has experienced first-hand the flexibility that KTC offers, I can confidently say that this is a place where you can embrace both your career and your role as a parent. The welcoming atmosphere make it possible to navigate the challenges of parenthood while excelling in your career.


Cover Image by BiZkettE1 on Freepik


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