SCoE Group: Leading the Evolution of Cloud Security

Hello, I'm Tada from the SCoE Group at KINTO Technologies (from now on referred to as, KTC). The term SCoE, which stands for Security Center of Excellence, might still be unfamiliar to some. At KTC, we reorganized our CCoE team into the SCoE Group this past April. In this blog, I would like to share the background and mission behind our new SCoE organization. For more information on the activities of our CCoE team, please refer to the previous articles if you are interested.
Background and Challenges
To explain how the SCoE group was founded, it is important to first understand its predecessor, the CCoE team. The CCoE team was established in September 2022. Since I joined KTC in July 2022, so it was formed shortly after I started.
At the time of its establishment, our CCoE had two main objectives:
- Using cloud technology
- Ensuring continuous efficient development through common services, templates, knowledge sharing, and human resource development.
- Regulating the use of cloud services
- Allowing the use of cloud resources with proper policies to maintain a secure state at all times.
The CCoE team engaged in various activities based on these two dimensions: Utilization and Regulation. However, since other teams within the same group had already been central to cloud utilization before the inception of the CCoE team, the CCoE's main focus shifted primarily to Governance. Regarding the Regulation aspect, as mentioned in a previous article, we mainly carried out the following activities:
- Allowing the use of cloud resources with proper policies to maintain a secure state at all times.
- Creating standardized cloud security guidelines
- Providing pre-configured secure cloud environments
- Conducting cloud security monitoring and improvement activities
Particularly in the area of monitoring and improvement activities, the team checked for deficiencies in the cloud environments used and configured by the product side, identified risky settings and operations, and, if any issues were found, requested and supported the product teams in implementing improvements. However, each product organization had a different approach to security and the level of awareness of it differed, so in some cases security was given a low priority and improvements did not progress.
On the other hand, looking across KTC, there were multiple organizations covering the security aspect of each area. In addition to the organizations covering the security of back-office and production environments, there were three separate entities, including the CCoE team, covering cloud security. SOC operations were also conducted independently by each organization, which caused delays in forming company-wide security measures and made it difficult for product teams to identify the correct point of contact for security-related inquiries. At a company-wide level, the Security Group, which covered the security of product environments, played a central role. The CCoE team acted as a bridge between the Security Group and the product teams, carrying out the cloud security monitoring and improvement activities.
Establishment of the SCoE Group
The SCoE Group was established in response to the context described above to address the following challenges:
- To promote cloud security improvement activities
- To unify security-related organizations within KTC
When it comes to the second point, consolidating three separate entities into a single department (the IT/IS Division) has enabled more efficient and rapid operations. As for the first point, the promotion of cloud security improvement activities, it was taken within the IT/IS Division as well along with the security topics, strengthening the company’s overall approach to security efforts. Previously, CCoE activities were conducted as one team within the Platform Group. However, now that the department’s name included the word Security, our commitment to it has increased. The change from Cloud CoE to Security CoE not only enhanced our focus on cloud security but also strengthened the organization's security functions and emphasized our dedication to cloud security. Being part of the same division as the Security Group allows us to implement security improvement activities more quickly.
While there was some regret about the CCoE's dissolution after a year and a half, we accepted the change because the CCoE's main focus was on governance. Although the formal organization has been dissolved, the activities of CCoE continue as a virtual organization across the entire company.
SCoE Group’s Mission
With the establishment of the SCoE Group, the mission has been defined as follows:
- To implement monitoring guardrails and take corrective actions in real time
The term “guardrails” here refers not only to preventive or detective measures but also to configurations and attacks that pose security risks.
Given the current state of cloud security, many incidents occur due to cloud configuration issues, and the time between identifying a posture flaw and experiencing an actual incident is rapidly decreasing. Therefore, we believe that the mission of SCoE is to quickly respond to security risks as they arise and to ensure we are well-prepared in advance to handle such situations effectively.
Specific activities of the SCoE Group
To achieve our mission, the SCoE Group undertakes the following activities:
- Prevent security risks
- Continuously monitor and analyze security risks
- Respond swiftly to security risks
To prevent security risks, we continue to create standardized cloud security guidelines and providing pre-configured secure cloud environments, a practice carried over from our CCoE days. While our focus has primarily been on AWS, we are now expanding our efforts to include Google Cloud and Azure. To ensure these practices are well integrated within the company, we also conduct regular training sessions and workshops. In terms of "Continuously monitor and analyze security risks," we have primarily focused on CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management) and SOC. However, we are now expanding our activities to include CWPP (Cloud Workload Protection Platform) and CIEM (Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management). Additionally, we have started the process of consolidating SOC operations, which were previously conducted separately by three different organizations, into a single unified operation. In terms of what we do to respond swiftly to security risks, we have started exploring the automation of configurations, scripting, and the use of generative AI. We believe that in the future, it will be difficult to maintain a secure environment in the field of cloud security without utilizing generative AI, and we are actively considering its use.
At KINTO Technologies, we have restructured the CCoE team into the SCoE Group. This restructuring aims to enhance our focus on cloud security in a more specialized manner by continuing the Regulation activities previously undertaken by the CCoE. Moving forward, the SCoE Group will play a key role in leading the evolution of our cloud security. As cloud technology advances and cloud security becomes increasingly complex, we aim to minimize its security risks and ensure the delivery of safe and reliable services. We are committed to providing the essential support needed to achieve this.
Thank you for reading until the end.
Closing words
The SCoE Group is looking for new team members to work with us. Whether you have practical experience in cloud security or are simply interested and eager to learn, we encourage you to get in touch. Please feel free to contact us.
For more details, please check here
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【クラウドセキュリティエンジニア】SCoE G/東京・大阪
Security Center of Excellence ( SCoE ) グループについてSCoE グループは、マルチクラウド ( AWS, Google Cloud, Azure ) 環境のセキュリティガバナンスを担当しています。KINTO テクノロジーズ内だけでなく、グループ内の関連組織とも協力しながら、業務に行います。
【クラウドセキュリティエンジニア】SCoE G/東京・大阪
Security Center of Excellence ( SCoE ) グループについてSCoE グループは、マルチクラウド ( AWS, Google Cloud, Azure ) 環境のセキュリティガバナンスを担当しています。KINTO テクノロジーズ内だけでなく、グループ内の関連組織とも協力しながら、業務に行います。