Articles by Aoi Nakanishi
Protocol Buffers, GraphQL Schema, Swagger Specで始めるスキーマファースト開発入門

Schema-first Development with Protocol Buffers, GraphQL Schema, and Swagger Spec

ChatGPT (GPT-4) Advanced Data Analysis (formerly Code Interpreter), how to output graphs, images, and PDF files with Japanese fonts to analyze X (formerly Twitter)

ChatGPT(GPT-4)のAdvanced Data Analysis(旧Code Interpreter)、日本語フォントでグラフや画像、PDFファイルを出力する方法とTwitterの分析
![Cover Image for [Manabi-no-Michi-no-Eki (Learning Roadside Station)] Embarking on a New Chapter: The Learning Station Team Joins the DevRel Group!](/assets/common/thumbnail_default_×2.png)
[Manabi-no-Michi-no-Eki (Learning Roadside Station)] Embarking on a New Chapter: The Learning Station Team Joins the DevRel Group!


Revitalizing Internal Communications: a Fresh Approach Using Slack Profiles

![Cover Image for [Event Report] Mobility Night #1 – Exploring GPS and Location-Based Technologies](/assets/common/thumbnail_default_×2.png)
[Event Report] Mobility Night #1 – Exploring GPS and Location-Based Technologies

【イベント】Mobility Night #1 - GPS・位置情報 - を開催しました
![Cover Image for [Manabi-no-Michi-no-Eki (Learning Roadside Station) Podcast] - Introducing a New In-House Study Initiative: The Joint Study Group](/assets/blog/authors/aoi.nakanishi/2024-12-podcast/study-group.jpg)
[Manabi-no-Michi-no-Eki (Learning Roadside Station) Podcast] - Introducing a New In-House Study Initiative: The Joint Study Group

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - 社内勉強会の新たな取組み「合同勉強会」
![Cover Image for [Learning Roadside Station Podcast] KINTO Factory Automotive Study Session](/assets/blog/authors/aoi.nakanishi/2024-12-podcast/factory.jpg)
[Learning Roadside Station Podcast] KINTO Factory Automotive Study Session

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - Factory自動車勉強会
![Cover Image for [Learning Roadside Station Podcast] General Managers MoM Reading Session](/assets/blog/authors/aoi.nakanishi/2024-12-podcast/minutes.jpg)
[Learning Roadside Station Podcast] General Managers MoM Reading Session

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - 部長会議事メモを読む会

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - 大阪情報共有会

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - Google10xプログラム

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - セキュリティ&プライバシー勉強会

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - Figma勉強会

【学びの道の駅】Podcast - WWDC参加報告

【新コミュニティ発足】モバイルUIテストの可能性を広げる「Appium Meetup Tokyo」

「Appium Meetup Tokyo」第1回イベント開催レポート

QA × AIで切り開く未来 〜アイデア満載のブレインストーミング〜