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Practicing Observability with Grafana from a BE Engineer's Perspective

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Hello! I am Jeong, and I am a member of KINTO Technologies' New Vehicle Subscription Development Group.

Our daily work goes beyond just writing code. As technology evolves, it is important to adapt to new trends such as microservices and serverless architecture while maintaining a healthy system. After reading this article, you will understand the importance of observability and how Grafana is used to monitor systems and optimize performance.

About Observability

Observability refers to the ability to monitor and understand the condition and performance of a system. This concept is essential for quickly identifying and resolving problems within the system. Especially when it comes to microservices and cloud-based architecture, as there are composed of many dynamic parts working together, the entire system must be continuously monitored.

There are three main elements of observability:

  • Log: Detailed data that records system activity and errors
  • Metrics: Quantitative data that describes the performance and conditions of a system
  • Trace: Data that tracks the path of an E2E[1] request or transaction

About Grafana

Grafana is a powerful open source observability tool. It is used by many to visualize, monitor, and analyze data. Grafana is best characterized by its flexibility and customizable dashboards. Users can integrate metrics and logs from different data sources and present them in a way that is easy to understand.

Grafana's key benefits include:

  • Supports various data sources: Can be integrated with Prometheus, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, and more
  • Data analyses and alerts: Instantly detects system anomalies and sends alert notifications
  • Dashboard: The dashboard can be customized to meet the user's needs

Grafana in Action: Focus on Clarity

The New Car Subscription Development Group uses Grafana’s dashboard to make data easier to understand for people from different technical backgrounds. In this section, I will give an example of PromQL query and talk about its features that are used in the dashboard panel.

Monitoring API Requests

Use the Stat panel to display the number of requests
Number of contracts #the value is a sample

The most basic query tracks the number of HTTP requests for URI patterns. This query shows the increase or decrease in the number of requests over a time range and is useful for trend analyses.

            uri=~”/foo”, method=“POST”, status=“200”
) or vector(0)
  • sum(...): An aggregating function that sums the results. Here, we calculate the total number of requests that meet the criteria.
  • increase(...): Calculates the amount by which a metric over a time range. You can find the increase or decrease in the number of requests.
  • vector(0): Returns 0 if there is no result. This exists so that a value is displayed on the dashboard even if there is not data.

Measuring the Number of Applications per Hour

Indicate the hourly applications measurement using the Time Series panel
Number of applications by time zone (sample) #sleeps at night

Use PromQL which monitors API requests to measure the number of requests per hour and find changes in demand per time zone. This is used as reference data for dynamically allocating resources for different time zones and doing other applications.

Identifying the Time-Consuming Requests

Use the Table panel to show the request that takes the most time
There are also those that take 4 seconds or longer

When doing performance analyses, identifying requests that take longer is critical to finding bottlenecks in the system. The following PromQL query can help.

  1. Calculating the Average Response Time

Calculate the average response time for each request. Determine the total response time and the number of requests, then divide them.

sum by(application, uri, outcome, method) (
sum by(application, uri, outcome, method) (
  • sum by(...): Groups results based on the labels (here, they are application, uri, outcome, and method) and calculates the sum of each group.
  • increase(...): Calculates the amount by which a metric over a time range ($__range). Here we calculate the total response time and the number of requests.
  1. Aggregating the Number of Requests

Aggregate the number of requests.

sum by(application, uri, outcome, method) (
  1. Identifying the Requests with the Longest Response Times

Identify the ten requests with the longest response times in the time range.

    ) by(application, uri, outcome, method)
  • topk(10, ...): Returns the ten elements with the highest values. Here, we list the ten requests with the longest response times.
  • max(...): Calculates the largest value for each group.
  • max_over_time(...): Calculates the largest value for each metric within a time range and groups the results by label. This allows you to extract the requests with the longest response times.

Client-Side Error Monitoring

Use the Table Panel to show client-side errors
Authentication token expired

Monitor for errors occurring on the client side and analyze the cause.

    sum by (application, method, uri, exception, status) (
            status=~”5..|4..”, exception!~”None|FooException”
) > 0, ‘uri’, ‘$1/*$2, ‘uri’,(.*)\\/\\{.+\\}(.*)
  • label_replace(...): Changes and adds labels.
  • '> 0': Returns the result if the sum is greater than 0. In other words, it displays data only if there is an error.

Advantages of Grafana and Use Cases

Learn more about how New Car Subscription Development Group used Grafana to improve their system monitoring.

  • Comprehensive system visualization: With AWS Managed Grafana, we can visualize data from AWS services (RDS, SQS, Lambda, CloudFront, etc.) and application metrics at the same time. This means we can see the performance and bottlenecks of the entire system at a glance, greatly accelerating our approach to problem solving.
  • Efficient data analysis and troubleshooting: By integrating different data sources, you can quickly get the information you need when a problem arises. This allows you to quickly identify the root cause of a problem and handle it efficiently.
  • API Monitoring: Through Grafana, we discovered that certain exceptions are strangely common. As a result of our investigation, we found that an unexpected API was being called on the frontend. This issue was communicated to the frontend team and fixed, making the API more efficient and significantly improving the overall stability and performance of the system.


Observability is more than just looking at a system. It is the key to maintaining the conditions of a system and ensuring that problems can be dealt with quickly when they arise. With Grafana, we can easily understand complex data and effectively manage the performance of entire systems. Grafana caters to a variety of needs from monitoring API requests to identifying errors.

This is worth cooperating with all team members, not just SREs and developers. After all, increasing the transparency and reliability of a system is essential to providing better service and increasing customer satisfaction.

I hope that our experience will provide you with a new perspective in your work and help you monitor your systems more efficiently and optimize performance.

  1. E2E (End-to-End): A system or process that works as a whole from start to finish ↩︎


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