Create a Reference Image for Snapshot Testing in Any Directory on iOS

My name is Ryomm and I work at KINTO Technologies. I am developing the app my route (iOS). Today I will explain how to create a reference image for Snapshot Testing in any directory.
You can specify the directory if you use this method.
Recently, I wrote an article about introducing Snapshot Testing. However, after running it for a while, the number of test files has increased significantly, making it very difficult to find the specific test file I need.
Large number of Snapshot Test files
So I decided to organize the Snapshot Testing files into appropriate subdirectories, but the method assertSnapshots(of:as:record:timeout:file:testName:line:)
in the Snapshot Testing library pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing does not allow specifying the location for creating reference images.
The existing directory structure related to Snapshot Testing looks as follows:
└── AppTests/
└── Snapshot/
├── TestVC1.swift
├── TestVC2.swift
└── __Snapshots__/
├── TestVC1/
│ └── Reference.png
└── TestVC2/
└── Reference.png
When test files are moved to a subdirectory, the method mentioned above creates a directry __Snapshots__
within that subdirectory. Inside this directory, it creates a directory with the same name as the test file which contains the reference images.
└── AppTests/
└── Snapshot/
├── TestVC1/
│ ├── TestVC1.swift
│ └── __Snapshots__/
│ └── Reference.png ← Created here 😕
└── TestVC2/
├── TestVC2.swift
└── __Snapshots__/
└── Reference.png ← Created here 😕
As part of the existing CI system, the entire directory App/AppTests/Snapshot/__Snapshots__/
is mirrored to S3, so I do not want to change the location of the reference images. The target directory structure is as follows:
└── AppTests/
└── Snapshot/
├── TestVC1/
│ └── TestVC1.swift
├── TestVC2/
│ └── TestVC2.swift
└── __Snapshots__/ ← I want to put reference images here 😣
├── TestVC1/
│ └── Reference.png
└── TestVC2/
└── Reference.png
Specify the Directory for Reference Images and Run a Snapshot Test
By using the method, you can specify the directory.
The three methods provided in Snapshot Testing have the following relationships:
public func assertSnapshots<Value, Format>(
Matching value: @autoclosure () throws -> Value,
As strategies: [String: Snapshotting<Value, Format>],
record recording: Bool = false,
timeout: TimeInterval = 5,
file: StaticString = #file,
testName: String = #function,
line: UInt = #line
) { ... }
↓Execute forEach on the comparison formats passed to as strategies
public func assertSnapshot<Value, Format>(
Matching value: @autoclosure () throws -> Value,
As snapshotting: Snapshotting<Value, Format>,
Named name: String? = nil,
record recording: Bool = false,
timeout: TimeInterval = 5,
file: StaticString = #file,
testName: String = #function,
line: UInt = #line
) { ... }
Run the following and use the returned values to perform the test.
You can check the actual code here.
In other words, as long as the same thing is done internally, it is perfectly fine to use verifySnapshot(of:as:named:record:snapshotDirectory:timeout:file:testName:line:)
extension XCTestCase {
var precision: Float { 0.985 }
func testSnapshot(vc: UIViewController, record: Bool = false,
file: StaticString, function: String, line: UInt) {
assert( == "iPhone 15", "Please run the test by iPhone 15")
SnapshotConfig.allCases.forEach {
let failure = verifySnapshot(
Matching: vc,
as: .image(on: $0.viewImageConfig, precision: precision),
record: record,
snapshotDirectory: "Any path",
file: file,
testName: function + $0.rawValue,
line: line)
guard let message = failure else { return }
XCTFail(message, file: file, line: line)
For our app my route, I initially passed only a single value to strategies
, so I omitted the looping process with strategies
. Now, although I was able to specify the directory, to follow the existing Snapshot Testing pattern, I want to create a directory based on the test file name and place the reference images inside it. The path passed to verifySnapshot(of:as:named:record:snapshotDirectory:timeout:file:testName:line:)
needs to be an absolute path, and since the development environment varies among team members, it is necessary to generate the path according to each environment.
Although the code turned out to be quite straightforward and cute, I implemented it as follows.
extension XCTestCase {
var precision: Float { 0.985 }
private func getDirectoryPath(from file: StaticString) -> String {
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(file)", isDirectory: false)
let fileName = fileUrl.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
var separatedPath = fileUrl.pathComponents.dropFirst() // Here it becomes a [String]? template
// Delete the path after the Snapshot folder
let targetIndex = separatedPath.firstIndex(where: { $0 == "Snapshot" })!
let snapshotPath = separatedPath.joined(separator: "/")
// Since we pass it as a String to verifySnapshot, I will write it as a String without converting it back to a URL.
return "/\(snapshotPath)/__Snapshots__/\(fileName)"
func testSnapshot(vc: UIViewController, record: Bool = false,
file: StaticString, function: String, line: UInt) {
assert( == "iPhone 15", "Please run the test by iPhone 15")
SnapshotConfig.allCases.forEach {
let failure = verifySnapshot(
matching: vc,
as: .image(on: $0.viewImageConfig, precision: precision),
record: record,
snapshotDirectory: getDirectoryPath(from: file),
file: file,
testName: function + $0.rawValue,
line: line)
guard let message = failure else { return }
XCTFail(message, file: file, line: line)
This way, we can keep the reference images in their original location, while organizing the Snapshot Testing into subdirectories. This resolves the inconvenience of not being able to find the files when you want to update a Snapshot Test. There is still room for improvement, so I aim to make our development experience even more enjoyable ♪
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モバイルアプリ開発GについてKINTOテクノロジーズにおける、モバイルアプリ開発のスペシャリストが集まっているグループです。KINTOやmy routeなどのサービスを開発・運用しているグループと協調しながら品質の高いモバイルアプリを開発し、サービスの発展に貢献する事を目標としています。
モバイルアプリ開発GについてKINTOテクノロジーズにおける、モバイルアプリ開発のスペシャリストが集まっているグループです。KINTOやmy routeなどのサービスを開発・運用しているグループと協調しながら品質の高いモバイルアプリを開発し、サービスの発展に貢献する事を目標としています。