KINTO Tech Blog

UI Guidelines

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Good morning, good afternoon or good evening!

This post is brought to you by Az from the Global Development UIUX Team who loves to take apart machines and take pictures while sipping delicious tea.

UI Guidelines

What are UI Guidelines in the first place?

What kind of people use them?

Who can become happy by using them?

Let’s explore these questions step by step.

Differences between Brand Guidelines and UI Guidelines

Let me explain about the general differences between Brand Guidelines and UI Guidelines. KINTO does not have them publicly available, but we do have Brand Guidelines available.

What are Brand Guidelines?

They outline key branding rules to follow, including:

  • The brand's philosophy and values
  • Brand name usage and writing conventions
  • Approved colors and imagery
  • Required user experience elements

Part of BrandGuideLine *this image is for illustrative purposes

Based on these rules, designers think about expression methods and designs.

Reference: What are Brand Guidelines?

What are UI Guidelines?

UI guidelines provide clear, practical examples of valid design elements.

  • Colors and shapes used for buttons, text, and so on
  • The screen layout ratio
  • How to use icons and images

Here, you'll typically find components and specifications ready to be applied directly, both in design and implementation.

What happens when you implement from a requirement?

For example, imagine that below are the conditions that make a button "KINTO-like":

  1. It uses fixed colors
  2. It's rectangular
  3. It has an easy-to-read label
  4. It can be identified as a button

Do you have an idea in mind?
Now, let's say we get the below results:

Button faces

All conditions are met, but there are parts that are different from the button we may have been expecting.

  • First row: there are no rounded corners on the four sides
  • Second row, left: the aspect ratio of the margin in the button is wrong
  • Third row, left: it has shadows that are not used with the others
    If it was created under the same parameters, why don't all the details match up?

The root of the issue lies in the lack of a common understanding

When the same team members work together consistently, there's a strong likelihood they can collaborate effectively. However, in reality, both teams and its members are often subject to change.

When team members experience getting feedbacks like "This is different from what we expected from you...'" after completing a task, the need to redo the work can lead to significant losses in both time and motivation.

In the UI Guidelines, the main button is defined with precise specifications, such as rounded corners set to 30 px, top and bottom margins at 10 px, and a width of 1/12 of the screen. This ensures consistent output with no deviation.

Concept and usage of UI Guidelines

Designing according to this format will make the work easier for both the designer and the front-end team. Let me explain with some common, real-world examples.

You can follow the guidelines without a designer

No need to stress over minor details—the styles, including text size, are standardized with fixed settings such as unavoidable style presets. Button faces

Often, improper sizing and margins lead to unstable quality. However, if you follow the guidelines for setting margins, the screen layout will remain well-organized and visually appealing, even without designer adjustments.

Minimizes screen size issues

A common issue with design files is handling screen size pixels. With the guidelines, ratios and breakpoints are predefined, ensuring there are no discrepancies.

screen size

Many elements can be created using "standard specifications"

Input form layout

Input forms are a typical example of content with similar fields where additions and reordering are frequent.

part of form

We’ve seen several changes in recent projects, but since the designs followed the guidelines, we were able to modify and implement them in parallel without issues.

Message delivery

Result screens and error screens often contain a large number of text elements and combinations.

display pattern of error

Since the layout for icons and text is fixed for each status, there was no need to prepare multiple patterns—only exceptions required special treatment.

Fewer probles for everyone!

  • Consistent output is achievable, regardless of differences in experience and skills.
  • The guidelines serve two major purposes: reducing the need for verbal and written communication and maintaining a shared understanding across teams.

I plan to keep improving the system to ensure we can continue resolving challenges and we can say "If you run into issues, just check the guideline and your problem will be solved!"


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【モバイルアプリUI/UXデザイナー(リードクラス)】my route開発G/東京

my route開発グループについてmy route開発グループでは、グループ会社であるトヨタファイナンシャルサービス株式会社の事業メンバーと共に、my routeの開発・運用に取り組んでおります。現在はシステムの安定化を図りながら、サービス品質の向上とビジネスの伸長を目指しています。